Written in 1984, "De Stijl is a snarling, clotted, brilliant piece of work," says the Globe and Mail. "[A]ll musical lines are warped, twisting continually between the pure geometries of conceptual music and the abrupt graffiti of jazz." M is for Man, Music, Mozart (1991), written for jazz singer and ensemble for a video film by Peter Greenaway, contains "a riveting minimalist score," wrote the Wall Street Journal, "with driving saxophones and bold brass band."
Written in 1984, "De Stijl is a snarling, clotted, brilliant piece of work," says the Globe and Mail. "[A]ll musical lines are warped, twisting continually between the pure geometries of conceptual music and the abrupt graffiti of jazz." M is for Man, Music, Mozart (1991), written for jazz singer and ensemble for a video film by Peter Greenaway, contains "a riveting minimalist score," wrote the Wall Street Journal, "with driving saxophones and bold brass band."
De Stijl
Produced by Willem Hering and Ron Ford
Recorded live February 29, 1994, at Muziekcentrum Vredenburg, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Engineered and edited by Adriaan Verstijnen
Live sound design: Jan Panis
M Is for Man, Music, Mozart
Produced by Tom Peeters and Jurjen Hempel
Recorded June 28 and 29, 1993, at Muziekcentrum Vredenburg, Utrecht
Engineered by Bert van der Wolf and Arnoud Probst
Edited by Tom Peeters at Channel Classics Studio, Amsterdam
Production Coordinators: Rob Overman and Frans Vreede
Production Assistant: Rutger van Otterloo
Mastered by Robert C. Ludwig at Gateway Mastering Studios, Portland, Maine
Design by John Gall
Executive Producer: Robert Hurwitz
De Stijl
Schönberg Ensemble with Asko Ensemble
Reinbert de Leeuw, conductor
Gertrude Thoma, voice
Tannie Willemstijn, Barbara Borden, soprano
Yvonne Benschop, Ananda Goud, mezzo-soprano
Govert Jurriaanse, Eleonore Pameijer, Carla Meijers, flute
Leo van Oostrom, Corina Ewijk, alto saxophone
Michiel van Dijk, Hens Otter, tenor saxophone
Ronald Jansen Heytmajer, baritone saxophone
Willem van der Vliet, Reyer Dorresteijn, Jos Verspagen, Cees Doets, trumpet
Toon van Ulsen, Edwin Kruunenberg, trombone
Peter van Klink, Ben van Dijk, bass trombone
Gerard Bouwhuis, Sepp Grotenhuis, piano
Gene Carl, synthesizer
Niek de Vente, upright piano
Wim Vos, Arno van Nieuwenhuize, percussion
Seth Josel, Rombout Willems, electric guitar
Patricio Wang, bass guitar
M is for Man, Music, Mozart
Orkest de Volharding
Jurjen Hempel, conductor
Astrid Seriese, voice
Dil Engelhard, fulte and piccolo
Beatrice Driver, French horn
Bob Driessen, soprano saxophone
Rutger van Otterloo, alto saxophone
Maarten van Norden, tenor saxophone
Reijer Dorresteijn, Louis Lanzing, Anita van Soest, trumpet
Willem van Manen, Johan de Meij, trombone
Hans Visser, bass trombone
Jaap Dercksen, piano
Sjeng Schupp, double bass