Natalie Merchant's "Wonder: Introducing Natalie Merchant" Released Ahead of New Film Inspired by Her Song

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Natalie Merchant's hit 1995 song "Wonder" now opens Wonder: Introducing Natalie Merchant, a new collection on streaming services. The set include singles and fan favorites, beginning with "Wonder" from her debut solo album, Tigerlily, and closing with the 2015 recording of the song for Paradise Is There: The New Tigerlily Recordings. A new film Wonder, based on RJ Palacio's 2012 best-selling novel inspired by Merchant's song, opens November 17. Watch an excerpt from the documentary Paradise Is There about the song here.


Natalie Merchant's hit 1995 song "Wonder," which inspired the 2012 worldwide best-selling young adult novel Wonder by RJ Palacio, now opens Wonder: Introducing Natalie Merchant, a new collection available on streaming services, including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, and Google Play. The ten-track set include singles and fan favorites, beginning with "Wonder" from Merchant's debut solo album, Tigerlily, and closing with the twentieth-anniversary recording of the song for the album Paradise Is There: The New Tigerlily Recordings. A new film Wonder, based on Palacio's book, starring Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson, Jacob Tremblay, and Mandy Patinkin and featuring Merchant's song, opens in theaters across the United States on November 17 and countries across the world in the coming weeks.

In the documentary film that accompanied the release of Paradise Is There in 2015, Merchant shares the story behind the song "Wonder." You can see the excerpt from the documentary here:

Natalie Merchant: "Wonder: Introducing Natalie Merchant" [cover]

Gachevsky (not verified)

Sun, 11/19/2017 - 22:33

Did I somehow miss her song in the movie? I fully expected it to be in the movie but don’t remember hearing it.

Tawanna (not verified)

Fri, 02/23/2018 - 00:16

I am still apparently waiting for your return I thought you were coming back I saw you and Chris Isaak and you were saying you're taking a break unfortunately That was like 12 years ago and I miss you so much!!! Idk WTF where are you I miss your music I'm sure there's a lot of others that feel the same we need you!! You don't know it! but I do appreciate you being There in my teenage years, you got me through!!!!XOXO

  • Friday, November 3, 2017
    Natalie Merchant's "Wonder: Introducing Natalie Merchant" Released Ahead of New Film Inspired by Her Song

    Natalie Merchant's hit 1995 song "Wonder," which inspired the 2012 worldwide best-selling young adult novel Wonder by RJ Palacio, now opens Wonder: Introducing Natalie Merchant, a new collection available on streaming services, including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, and Google Play. The ten-track set include singles and fan favorites, beginning with "Wonder" from Merchant's debut solo album, Tigerlily, and closing with the twentieth-anniversary recording of the song for the album Paradise Is There: The New Tigerlily Recordings. A new film Wonder, based on Palacio's book, starring Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson, Jacob Tremblay, and Mandy Patinkin and featuring Merchant's song, opens in theaters across the United States on November 17 and countries across the world in the coming weeks.

    In the documentary film that accompanied the release of Paradise Is There in 2015, Merchant shares the story behind the song "Wonder." You can see the excerpt from the documentary here:

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