NY Times: Greenwood Piece "Viscerally Exciting, Intellectually Engaging"

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Jonny Greenwood's Popcorn Superhet Receiver, a piece featured in his score for There Will Be Blood, received its US premiere at the Wordless Music Series in New York City last week. In the New York Times review of the concert, Allan Kozinin calls the piece "viscerally exciting and intellectually engaging." Kozinin describes it as follows:

Mr. Greenwood’s score, even at its most densely atonal, has a consistently alluring shimmer and embraces everything from lush vibrato, glissandos and sudden dynamic shifts to slowly rising chromatic themes. Toward the end his clusters give way to a prismatic full-orchestra pizzicato section: imagine the scherzo of Tchaikovsky’s Fourth Symphony on steroids, or acid, or both.

To read the full concert review, visit nytimes.com. To hear music from There Will Be Blood and to purchase the soundtrack, visit nonesuch.com/twbb.

  • Monday, January 21, 2008
    NY Times: Greenwood Piece "Viscerally Exciting, Intellectually Engaging"


    Jonny Greenwood's Popcorn Superhet Receiver, a piece featured in his score for There Will Be Blood, received its US premiere at the Wordless Music Series in New York City last week. In the New York Times review of the concert, Allan Kozinin calls the piece "viscerally exciting and intellectually engaging." Kozinin describes it as follows:

    Mr. Greenwood’s score, even at its most densely atonal, has a consistently alluring shimmer and embraces everything from lush vibrato, glissandos and sudden dynamic shifts to slowly rising chromatic themes. Toward the end his clusters give way to a prismatic full-orchestra pizzicato section: imagine the scherzo of Tchaikovsky’s Fourth Symphony on steroids, or acid, or both.

    To read the full concert review, visit nytimes.com. To hear music from There Will Be Blood and to purchase the soundtrack, visit nonesuch.com/twbb.

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