Rolling Stone: "First-Rate" New Album from k.d. lang

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"In 2004, k.d. lang started paying close attention to one damn attractive asset," writes Rolling Stone's James Hunter: "her own voice." Hymns of the 49th Parallel, k.d.'s Nonesuch debut from that year, was "a great collection" that proved to be k.d.'s "creative breakthrough."

Following what Hunter sees as "the explosive growth" of the singer on that album, k.d. returns with Watershed"first-rate singer-songwriter music" that succeeds in creating "an alluring integration" of the many musical styles from throughout her career. The Rolling Stone review finds Watershed to be full of "charming rightness" and "soulful soprano tone," so that "her work sings."

"With Watershed," Hunter concludes, "k.d. lang does what the gifted and the lucky always should: improve as time passes."

To read the full review, pick up the February 7 issue of Rolling Stone or visit

  • Wednesday, January 30, 2008
    Rolling Stone: "First-Rate" New Album from k.d. lang


    "In 2004, k.d. lang started paying close attention to one damn attractive asset," writes Rolling Stone's James Hunter: "her own voice." Hymns of the 49th Parallel, k.d.'s Nonesuch debut from that year, was "a great collection" that proved to be k.d.'s "creative breakthrough."

    Following what Hunter sees as "the explosive growth" of the singer on that album, k.d. returns with Watershed"first-rate singer-songwriter music" that succeeds in creating "an alluring integration" of the many musical styles from throughout her career. The Rolling Stone review finds Watershed to be full of "charming rightness" and "soulful soprano tone," so that "her work sings."

    "With Watershed," Hunter concludes, "k.d. lang does what the gifted and the lucky always should: improve as time passes."

    To read the full review, pick up the February 7 issue of Rolling Stone or visit

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